Remove Dental Plaque And Tartar From Home… And Save Thousands With This Alternative Solution

Dentists Spent The Last 3 Months Testing The 24 Best Selling Water Flossers

Written by Sydney Thompson
Orthodontist & Senior Editor

Close-up of lips with bright yellow lipstick and white teeth.
Close-up of lips with bright yellow lipstick and white teeth.

*We only recommend products we personally tested & loved.

Did you know if plaque is not properly brushed off your teeth and gums, it will harden into tartar and can cause serious health issues. In fact, it takes just 48 hours for most plaque to harden, and within several days it can become so hard that it is impossible to remove without your dentist’s help!

Luckily we found a convenient, cost-effective way to get dental plaque removed, without breaking the bank: High Pressure Water Flossing, the same technology used in professional dental cleanings.

However, since professional dental cleanings aren’t the most time-friendly option (visits take up to two hours, & cost upwards of $300 per cleaning), we're looking at the next best thing: At Home Water Flossers

Before and after teeth whitening comparison.
Before and after teeth whitening comparison.

We tested 24 water flossers, including models from Waterpik, Phillips, Panosonic and Puur Smile. We rated the best five options based on the following criteria:


We tested how effectively each device removed plaque, whitened teeth, and reduced gum inflammation, ideally trying to see results after the first couple uses. A few of the devices ended up working extremely well, delivering sparkling white, plaque free, teeth after the first use.


If you were to go the in-office cleaning route, it would end up costing up to 300 dollars per session (cleaning sessions are needed every 3 months to maintain oral hygiene). We were able to get great results with devices that ended up costing less than $30, with the best results from a device costing just around $99*.

Safe for At-Home Use

Dentist Sarah Lee, DDS, considers water flossers a safe and effective alternative for at-home oral care. "Water flossers use a targeted stream of water to break up and remove plaque and tartar from between the teeth and gumline," Dr. Lee explains. "This method is gentle enough for daily use, ensuring it doesn't harm gums or enamel, while effectively helping to whiten teeth by removing surface stains." At-home water flossers work similarly to professional cleanings, providing a safe, non-invasive way to maintain a bright, healthy smile.

We looked for the best Water Flossing options on the market that removes Plaque from home!

Electric toothbrush with multiple attachments, blue box, and a 30-day money-back guarantee badge.

Why Dentists Chose Puur Smile

as the Best Overall Choice for Whiter, Plaque Free Teeth

Why Dentists Chose Puur Smile

as the Best Overall Choice for Whiter, Plaque Free Teeth


Effectiveness: 95%

Safety: 100%

Price: $

Overall: A+

By far, everyone had the best results with the Puur Smile.

A fan favorite since their company began, it features adjustable intensity levels, 6 different attachment heads and an electric water flossing toothbrush head - allowing for anyone to effortlessly brush and floss their teeth at the same time in minutes. For all of us, it took just one minute of using it to instantly remove yellow stains, chip away hardened plaque, and whiten our teeth. After 2 full days of using it, all hardened plaque and tartar was completely gone. It was the only product on our list offering a special 50% off discount code SECRET50, which made it one of the most affordable products on the market.

Instantly whiten teeth

Gently removes plaque from home

Stops bleeding gums

Prevents cavities by up to 99%

Clean when and where you want without pain

Never use string floss again

Dentist quality cleaning power & strength

6 different attachment heads to choose from

Massive 300ML Portable Water Tank

Costs ​$199 at standard price.

50% OFF with code Secret50 for summer sale

Instantly whiten teeth

Gently removes plaque from home

Stops bleeding gums

Prevents cavities by up to 99%

Clean when and where you want without pain

Never use string floss again

Dentist quality cleaning power & strength

6 different attachment heads to choose from

Massive 300ML Portable Water Tank

Costs ​$199 at standard price.

50% OFF with code Secret50 for summer sale

Visit Their Site

*Price During Flash Sale

Waterpik Cordless Flosser


Waterpik is a great solution to blast excess food particles. Unfortunately, WaterPik doesn’t have enough power to remove plaque from the teeth as effectively as competitors due to the low pressure - 75 PSI (pressure per square inch)

Like Puur Smile, It takes only 1 Minute to achieve Effective results

Runs out of water in 45 seconds

Only 75 PSI (Nearly half the power as Puur Smile)

Like Puur Smile, It takes only 1 Minute to achieve Effective results

Runs out of water in 45 seconds

More Expensive Than Puur Smile

Only 75 PSI (Nearly half the power as Puur Smile)

Panasonic DJ10-A Portable Water Flosser


The Panasonic DJ10-A Portable Water Flosser quickly stimulates and massages the gums while removing microscopic food particles that get caught in the periodontal spaces with up to 1,500 pulses per minute!

1,500 pulses per minute

Longer charging time (15 hours)

Tank Size is Only 130 ml - (Half the capacity as Puur Smile)

1,500 pulses per minute

Longer charging time (15 hours)

Tank Size is Only 130 ml - (Nearly half the capacity as Puur Smile)

Spotlight Oral Care


Spotlight Oral Care is cordless & easy to carry but, there are some customer reports of this specific flosser leaving a mess, due to a less precise nozzle.

Higher price compared to the other products

24 Hours to full charge

Sprays water in multiple directions & tends to leave a mess due to the less precise nozz

Higher price compared to the other products

Small Tank & low battery life

Sprays water in multiple directions & tends to leave a mess due to a less precise nozzle

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  • avatar

    Maureen Ryz

    I've tried Puur Smile, it works.

    · Reply · 5 · 10:32
  • avatar

    Tina Madrame

    How does this work? I've tried waterpik and the water pressure was really low, I heard That product Puur Smile has higher water pressure, is it true?

    · Reply · 1 · 9:22
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    Valerie DiPetrio

    Yes, Puur Smile is extremely powerful, it will sure get those food crumbs out of your teeth!

    · Reply · 2 · 8:12
  • avatar

    Maria Marissa

    I've tried 3 of these devices. Plaque finally stopped coming back in on my teeth& haven't had to go to the dentist in months.

    · Reply · 10 · 4:59
  • avatar

    Eleanor Mouthy

    Did anyone try Waterpik?

    · Reply · 3 · 3:30
  • avatar

    Petra Jaime

    It's clear, Puur Smile seems to be the best one here. The others are way to expensive

    · Reply · 5 · 10:32
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    Kristin Byrd


    · Reply · 1 · 9:22
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    Joyce Adams

    My sister just got the Puur Smile one.

    · Reply · 2 · 8:12
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    Jenna Ellis

    Is Puur Smile still $99

    · Reply · 10 · 4:59
  • avatar

    Sarah Boston

    Yes @Jenna Ellis! Their 50% OFF Sale is still live when I bought. I got mine with this link

    · Reply · 3 · 3:30

*We only recommend products we personally tested & loved.

Top 5 Dental - Best Water Flosser Options